Week 13 Modern Nursing

Nursing, along with the medical field, has changed exponentially in the last 100 years. Nurses trained in the 20th century would find themselves in a very foreign and demanding position in today's modern world. There have been so many good changes but some of them are causing some apprehension about what we as nurses can expect in our future. With all of the new technology and new techniques are veteran nurses remaining up to date? With new technologies and increased responsibilities do nurses pose a bigger risk to their patients? Nurses of today are hard working, full bladdered, machines. What they do not many others would. I wonder what nurses such as Vera Brittain or Clara Barton would think of the world of nurses today. I would imagine they would have some sound advise like persevere to the end or something about serving our patients is the best service one can ask for.  No matter the apprehension, I am excited to be a modern nurse. I look back at Vera Brittain's experience and she was a very noble lady and I can learn from her. However nursing was not her passion, it was her duty. With all of the new technology and new things to learn, nursing can be transformed from just a duty to a passionate duty.


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