Nursing 1880-1890

This time in history was very tumultuous. There was a lot going on and a lot about to be going on whether people knew it or not. This time period was a kind of priming for what was to come. It makes sense then that nursing history followed suit. From the American branch of the red cross to the American Nurses Association this period was packed with things going on that would lead to some great things in the near future. There was no shortage of fantastic nurses during this time period either. These were usually woman that most of us aspire to be like both as nurses and just as women in general. These woman such as Clara Barton, Isabel Hampton Rodd, or  Ana Caroline Maxwell, and many countless others. These few women mentioned were instrumental in the set up of some of our most well known organizations such as the American Red Cross that serves thousands of people for various needs on a daily basis. It is the period of time where nursing started to become an option for woman on a regular basis rather than just in war time. Many of the women discussed such as Clara Barton were instrumental figures in women's rights as well which was part of the reason for the changes that were just beginning during this time. This was the beginning of the end of the way things had been for hundreds of years. It was the final hour before the dawn of the new age that came with the 19th century.


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